Dymethazine (DMZ)



Dymethazine (DMZ) is one of the strongest PH/DS out there. It is two superdrol molecules bonded together by an azine bridge. Superdrol, before its ban has been known to be the strongest ph/ds with the harshest side effects – users were warned to keep dosages low and cycles short. Superdrol was first market as “Super Anadrol”, and Anadrol which is known as A-Bombs or A-50 is known to be the best steroid for strength gains. Dymethazine is basically the same as superdrol but is 2x weaker so to get the same results you would have to times the normal superdrol dose by 2.

DMZ is great for strength and bulking, especially because it increases glycogen retention. However, it can also be used effectively for recomping and cutting. It does not convert to estrogen and there is little to none water retention.

Dymethazine (I have used various brands, they’re all the same)

Side effects – 6 – With greater gains, comes greater side effects. Do not skimp here. Use an all-in-one cycle support with this one.

Strength – 10 – Great for powerlifters. Weights just start beginning to feel lighter. You can tell when someone is on DMZ, superdrol or anadrol when their wrists get swole-looking.

Endurance – 7 – Since it is such a strong compound, make sure that you are very hydrated before and during your workout, or you will experienced heightened side effects.

Overall – 10

If you want a bulking and strength compound, look no further. Run a cycle of DMZ and carb up. Your muscles will love all the extra carb glycogen and you strength will shoot up through the roof. However, be wary of side effects. I think it is essential to run an all-in-one cycle support with DMZ and make *sure* to stay hydrated on this compound.

Cycle Support – Definitely use an all-in-one cycle support for this product.

PCT – Nolva @ 20/20/10/10 or Clomid @ 50/50/25/25 plus an OTC PCT product such as Lecheek AD-3 PCT, Finaflex Revolution Black or Erase Pro.


Dymethazine (DMZ)

17beta-hydroxy 2alpha,17, beta-dimethyl 5alpha, -androstan3-on azine

These are my recommended dosages:

Beginner Dosage: 45/45/45/45

Advanced Dosage: 45/45/45/45 + another AAS or PH/DS

Use in a AAS cycle:

As a kickstarter or as a finisher: (Better as a “finisher” because it leans and solidify gains)


45mg @ 4wks

Testosterone Enanthate or Sustanon

500mgs @ 12wks

cel-cycle-assistAD-3 Render

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